Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Ultimate Goal

I love food. Who doesn't? I like learning how to cook, and I think I've done a lot of learning over the past years. My dad taught me how to cook when I was little, and my Grammy taught him. Growing up, I loved when Dad was home, or when Grammy and Grandaddy came to visit. The food that I learned how to cook was amazing, and I discovered one of my many non-talents! I often participated in the cooking activities in boarding school, and I payed attention to how the food was cooked for dinners and lunches. Then I went to Minnesota, and I was too poor to buy ready-made food, so I learned even more what it was to cook delicious food, and lots of butter was not always the answer. Traveling to France was the real opportunity for me though. I got a lot of kitchen experience, and learned how to love pâté, make crepes, and cook food that not only tasted good, but looked good too. Does anyone like my food? Not really, but at least I eat cheap and well. And I do love cooking, it relaxes me.
I've really been thinking about lobster though. I really want lobster. That Red Lobster commercial is going to be the death of me, it looks better and better every time it airs. Most foods go in cycles for me, mainly I think because growing up, we ate many of the same foods in schedules. Mom really doesn't like cooking, and she did mostly the same food week after week. Virginia Baked Ham, shaved, 1 lb. White American Cheese, sliced thin, 1/2 lb. Provolone Cheese, thin, 1/2 lb. That was lunch, every day, Monday through Thursday. And we enjoyed the same monotony for breakfast and dinner. For example, we had 4-6 different Sunday dinners, each in its own season. Spring, ham. Summer, steak. Fall, pulled pork. Winter, turkey. And we sometimes included chicken, kebabs, and brats. Never changing. And I really think this influenced the way I crave foods.
The only one that I never crave is ice cream. I can have that at any time, even if I just ate a filling meal. Ice cream is delicious. I tease my boyfriend by saying that although he is my world, so is ice cream. He's not jealous, luckily. Vanilla and strawberry are my favorite, with Oreo, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, and Butter Pecan occasionally enjoyed. You know, I hate McDonalds, but they do cheap ice cream right. That soft serve, creamy, just enough for a special treat, is delicious. Saving the 75 cents once a week for a quick cone was my highlight this summer. If only they had the special year round!
Another food I love is cheese. But that's worth its own post.


  1. I used to LOVE cheese...ANY kind....well okay not your goat cheese...I DID try it though ....I spit it out...I don't know what it is specifically about Goat cheese....maybe I associated GOATS toooooo much with it....LOL Bottom line I couldn't do it. Now, my taste bus have been altered enough from chemo and age that....I don't eat hardly ANY cheese anymore....but I'm the first one to order it for everyone! I DO like string cheese and cheese curds....but sometimes JUST a few curds or a few pieces of string cheese will "do it" for me. Then it will sit and eventually get moved to the back of the fridge until it grows penicillin! I do like baby swiss...I envy you when you talk about Paris....opportunities I will NEVER get to have been so blessed. I used to really like crepes....I didn't know you knew how t6o make them or I would have put you to work in the're going to wish you had never told me that cooking relaxes you....I may put you to work making crepe suzette next time you're out here....So anyway....I hope you get some sleep today...I'm assuming by the hours posted that you are probably at work, passing away some quiet time. ya girl and hope you have a great weekend!!!

  2. I don't have access to the internet at work... I was just up getting ready to work the next day. And although cooking relaxes me, doing the dishes doesn't, so that's why it doesn't happen more.
