The first week of Lent is almost over, and I hope it went well for you. It went pretty well for me. Every year, I make specific resolutions, but sometimes they don't quite work out, so I always leave myself open to new ones. Besides, if something that I planned isn't working out, and I am inspired by the Holy Ghost for another one, doesn't He know better than I do how to get to Heaven and please God? So far, the only one that hasn't worked is taking 40 things a day to donate or throw out. That was replaced by not watching Netflix at work... I'd developed a habit of watching a Netflix show during my last hour of work, because not many people come in and I'm done with my chores; I also decided to spend more time focused on my daughter and not on the computer, or playing a game or reading a book. We are reading more together, playing together a little longer, and eating breakfast and lunch together, and as a result, she's more likely to play by herself and seems more content instead of constantly demanding my attention or whining.
I've had this background done since the beginning of the week, and I know it's probably too late, but I'm putting it here just in case. I'll be more diligent in getting next week's out. I love the quotation that I've found for it.
Psalm from the Epistle on Sunday |
For the rest of this week, I'm simply going to post an easy dinner (Stromboli), and try to get in a post about young children and Lent, specifically children my daughter's age (that's about all the experience I have right now). Let me know what your strategies are for teaching children the importance of sacrifice and Lent!
Preview of tomorrow's post |
Next week and week 3 are generally the hardest weeks of Lent for me. Ash Wednesday is such a short week, and the first week I'm still gung-ho about everything, so I do well. By week 2, the novelty has worn off. Let's make a new resolution together to stay strong, so that with St. Paul on Easter Sunday, we can say "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith".
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