Thursday, January 30, 2014

February 2: Candlemas

With February 2, the Church celebrates the end of the Christmas season. In the Jewish tradition, women were considered "unclean" after childbirth, and 40 days after giving birth to a son (80 days for a daughter), the family traveled to Jerusalem to undergo the purification ceremony. The Jews also offered their first-born son to God 40 days after his birth, and then "bought" him back with either a pure white lamb, or 2 turtle doves for those who were poor. In accordance with tradition, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph traveled to Jerusalem; even though Our Lady did not need to be purified because of her Immaculate Conception and the miraculous birth of Our Lord, and even though Our Lord, being God himself, did not need to be offered or re-bought.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Major Blog Changes

I have changed. A lot. And so I think that this blog needs to change. It's still about my life, but the life that has headed into a new direction. Before I go into the details, let me catch you up.

So, my fiancé and I got married on September 21, 2013. Although a lot of things happened in the  few weeks before the wedding that didn't let me get everything I wanted done, it accomplished it's job: I'm married! And that's all that really matters. I have some regrets about that day, but I'm not going to worry about the past.

My husband and I are expecting our first child on July 4 of this year. I am mostly at peace with how this pregnancy is going, and my family is so excited for this new life. My sister is ready to be a helper at home now, and she is excited to be an aunt. Everyone but my husband is praying for a girl, and we find out on February 25! I am going to bake a cake either pink or blue for my parents to cut open: I wanted to cut into a cake, but I also want to share this big moment with my hubby. Having Mom cut into it, I get to have my cake and eat it too! We are also going to send a box of balloons to my mother-in-law so that she can share in the surprise. However, we are going to keep the gender a secret from "the world" until the baby shower at the end of May.